Vincent Holm

The #1 Resource For Learning Account Engagement (Pardot) 
& Marketing Automation

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Learn about Account Engagement, Strategy, and problem solving. 

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Campaign Strategy

Campaign strategy is about truly understanding the objective. 

From there, you can begin to understand the best way to leverage marketing automation to achieve our goal. From planning a customer journey to building behavior triggered automations, you can enhance engagement with your audience by implementing a data driven engagement strategy.

The more data you give the system the more you can get out of it. 

Account Engagement (Pardot) Training

Campaign strategy is about truly understanding the objective. 

From there, you can begin to understand the best way to leverage marketing automation to achieve our goal. From planning a customer journey to building behavior triggered automations, you can enhance engagement with your audience by implementing a data driven engagement strategy.

Hey, I'm Vincent

I’m an Account Engagement (Pardot) consultant and an Account Engagement admin. 

My goal is to simplify Account Engagement tools and offer effective strategies. With diverse experience across different sectors, both profit and non-profit, I can tailor solutions to fit your organizations needs and goals.

Let’s work together to elevate your engagement efforts

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